
I Knew There Was A Reason

That I've never set foot inside of Dodgers Stadium aka Chavez Ravine. Have you heard the news about how a SF Giants fan was savagely beaten after the season opener last week? Yep, that's right, once again LA sports fans have proven to the world their idiocy. Now this poor man is fighting for his life in a medically induced coma and may suffer brain damage. Why does this continue to happen in LA? Anyone recall watching the riots break out on TV after the Laker's won their 16th Championship last Spring? I for one do, and it was absolutely nerve wrecking watching those scoundrel's attack random people outside of the Staples Center. Thanks so much for giving reinforcing one of many Los Angeles stereotypes!

The city has hired former LAPD Chief Bill Bratton and his new security consulting company to review security at the stadium and provide recommendations. They get an A for effort, but that doesn't do anything for me as far as enticing me to visit stadium is concerned.

I'll stick with the Anaheim Angeles in a nice little bubble we like to refer to as the OC. Yes, I'm an Angeles fan and this has nothing to do with my disgust for LA sports fans. OC fans know how to have a good time, respect rivalries and enjoy a game. We go to at least a handful every season.

Lisa & I (summer 2010) Shannon and I (summer 2009) I realize that this post doesn't offer any solutions or the like. Perhaps my goal in sharing these thoughts was to prove that my inclimation to stay away from Chavez Ravine proved correct. Anyways, I needed to get that off my chest. Le Sigh.

I'll be back soon with happier thoughts. Thanks for listening.
**Shorty Out**


  1. LOVE this blog!! We have to go together... & take Corbin to his first game! Very cute pictures too!!

  2. I know it's so sad :( Awful!

    But I LOVE these photos, the one of you & Shan is SO good of you both, luvs :)


Thanks for the blog lovin' peeps!