
Christmas Party

Yes, that's right I am posting about a Christmas party in mid January. In my defense I didn't have a blog way back then! As I was going through my pictures for this post I realized that I've got to improve my photography skills STAT! Taking pictures for memories vs. blogging is a whole new ballgame. This realization has resulted in only a couple pictures that I felt are worthy of sharing. I'm like a fine wine and I get better with age so please hold tight as I work on my skills. K? thanks!

This party was thrown together at the last minute and was super casual. Friends of ours usually host this annual party but weren't able to this year, so we to held the party at our place. Our place is a one bedroom condo and we had about 25 people over for the party. It was a little cramped but I don't think anyone cared. Lots of people showed up in Christmas sweaters and pjs! In addition to eating and drinking too much we played the always enjoyable White Elephant gift exchange.

Signature drinks were Dirty Shirley, Blue Lady, Mimosas and Mustache Mike's Famous Margarita Jello Shots We had an array of yummy appetizers that I picked up from the downtown Farmers Market.

The infamous penguins made an appearance

This was my first time hosting so many people for a home cooked meal so I kept it simple with the menu. If you haven't made a spiral cut ham yet I highly recommend that you do soon. Easter is just around the corner folks! Seriously though it was easier than I'd imagined and tasted wonderful to boot! I didn't take any pictures of the food other than the one above but here is what we served.

Dinner Menu
(served buffet style)
Spiral Cut Ham with glaze and pineapples
Kings Hawaiian Rolls and assorted mustards
Green Bean Casserole
Scalloped Potatoes
Green Salad

Jenn was feeling under the weather that day but by stopped by for a visit before everyone came over.

Hubs and I in our "ugly" Christmas sweaters before another party the previous weekend.


  1. Very snazzy! Love those darling penguins!!! It was good to see you this weekend!!
    : ) Kris

  2. Very pretty pic of you & Jenn!!


Thanks for the blog lovin' peeps!